Mission Trips

Come Serve with our Students

Casa Misionera would love to organize a short-term mission trip to the Dominican Republic for your church group.
Our students are ready to serve with you. It’s part of their training.

Building projects

Building Projects​

There are many building project opportunities in the Dominican. Let's find one that's appropriate for your group.

Vacation Bible School

Vacation Bible School​

You can visit an orphanage for a day of Vacation Bible School, fun games and food.

Medical missions

Medical Missions​

Do you have doctors in your group? Let them serve the sick and those in need.

Handing out Bibles

Bible Distribution​

Let's spend an afternoon delivering Bibles to high school students and senior citizens.

Soccer camp

Sports Camps​

Sports camps are a great way to bring the gospel message to a younger generation, and have some fun!

Handout food

Food for the Needy​

Help distribute food to poor communities, especially those located in the mountains.

Our Partners

Thank you to our partners who participate in this ministry.

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