Donate Today

Three Areas of Need


Scholarships helps pay for University tuition and books for our students. It also covers expenses related to the Casa Misionera Leadership Program.

General Fund

The general fund pays for staff salaries and other administrative expenses.

Ministry Fund

This fund helps pay for Bibles, food and other supplies related to community ministry done by our students.

Use the Donorbox form to make a one-time or monthly donation to Casa Misionera. Add a comment, if you’d like to direct where your donation goes.

Casa Misionera Inc. is a 501(c)3 not-for-profit organization, all donations are deemed tax-deductible absent any limitations on deductibility applicable to a particular taxpayer.

To donate by mail, make checks payable to Casa Misionera and mail to:

Casa Misionera
c/o Jeff Woda 
500 S Front Street 10th floor
Columbus, OH 43215

Donate Stocks
When you donate appreciated stock to Casa Misionera, you can benefit in multiple ways. You get to claim an income tax deduction for the stock’s fair market value at the time of the gift, even if you initially purchased it for less. Additionally, you can avoid paying taxes on any capital gains when the stock is eventually sold. In return, Casa Misionera receives a valuable financial gift that we can sell at any time, free from taxation. For more details, contact Lynette Woda at

The more the investment has appreciated, the better candidate it is for gifting purposes because it shifts the tax burden to the Casa Misionera, while you still get the full deduction on the value of the gift.

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